
【校级报告】Polariton spin hall effect in perovskite microcavities


报告题目:Polariton spin hall effect in perovskite microcavities

报告人:苏锐 助理教授






Cavity exciton polaritons are bosonic quasiparticles resulted from the quantum hybridization of excitons and confined cavity photon modes. With part-light and part-matter nature, they have inherited the combined advantages from their components, such as a low effective mass, fast propagation over long distances from their photonic components, strong nonlinearity and unique spin properties. These advantages allow them to be ideal information carriers towards next generation spintronic applications. However, one major hurdle is the realization of high purity spin current over macroscopic distances. In this talk, I will discuss our recent progress in realizing polariton spin hall effect in a Rashba-Dresselhaus regime. By introducing liquid crystals into perovskite microcavities, we achieved synthetic photonic spin-orbit coupling controlled by external voltages, which further leads to spin-split bands with high spin purity of ~0.9. Under both resonant and non-resonant excitations, we achieved permanent spin separation over macroscopic distances at room temperature.


Dr. Su Rui is currently a Nanyang Assistant Professor with a joint appointment by School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Wuhan University, China in 2014 and his PhD degree in Physics from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in early 2019. His research interests lie in light-matter interactions towards novel functionalities for optoelectronic and quantum applications. He has published more than 20 papers in high-impact journals, including Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Nanotechnology ,etc.