


时 间:2023年12月20日(周三) 13:30-15:00



报告人:蒋阳阳 副教授

主持人:王媛 助理教授


With social media becoming the primary channel for customers to acquire travel-related information, tourism and hospitality service providers are increasingly leveraging it as part of their digital marketing strategies. In this lecture, Dr. Jiang will introduce her research projects about tourism and hospitality marketing via social media. The effectiveness of social media communication in tourism and hospitality will be examined from two perspectives: content owned by social media influencers and content owned by brands. 由于社交媒体成为顾客获取旅游相关信息的主要渠道,旅游与酒店业服务提供商正越来越多地发挥社交媒体在数字营销策略中的作用。在本次讲座中,蒋博士将介绍她的关于旅游与酒店业社交媒体营销的研究项目,并从社交媒体网络红人发布的内容以及品牌发布的内容两个方面分析社交媒体沟通的效果。


Dr. Yangyang Jiang is ranked among the World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientists by Stanford University and is the recipient of the University of Nottingham 2023 Outstanding Research Supervisor Award. Dr. Jiang obtained a Master’s Degree and a Bachelor’s Degree of Management Sciences from Renmin University of China and earned her PhD at Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia. Her research interests span services marketing, digital transformation, and sustainable development. She has published in several leading journals, including Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others. Before joining academia, She currently serves as the Associate Editor for the Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration. 蒋阳阳博士被列入斯坦福大学全球排名前2%的高引学者,获得诺丁汉大学2023年优秀研究生导师称号。蒋博士在中国人民大学获得管理学本科和硕士学位,在澳大利亚蒙纳士大学获得博士学位。她的研究兴趣包括服务营销、数字化转型和可持续发展,研究成果发表于ATR、JTR、IJHM、IJCHM等顶级期刊。她也担任APJBA期刊的副主编。