


时 间:2023年10月7日(周六) 13:00 -15:00

地 点:小教楼401

题 目:青年学者学术报告

报告人:刘迪 助理教授

主持人:王琦萍 助理教授

摘 要:

Natural disasters wreak economic havoc and cause financial distress for victims. Commercial loans provided by lending firms play a key role in helping victims recover from disasters. This paper studies whether lenders’ use of AI in the lending process can, through reducing delinquency, benefit borrowers who experience natural disasters. Collaborating with a leading credit scoring company, we track borrowers’ loan applications and lenders’ use of customized AI solutions in assessing loan risks. We find that borrowers who apply to AI-empowered lenders fare better in reducing delinquency rates after experiencing natural disasters. Notably, such a disaster mitigation effect is more pronounced for borrowers with lower credit scores. We explore the possible mechanisms at play and discuss the implications of our findings.



刘迪是香港中文大学(深圳)管理与经济学院助理教授。他在香港城市大学获得了信息系统博士学位,在华中科技大学获得的物流管理学士学位。他的研究兴趣涵盖数字经济、人工智能、金融科技和网络分析等领域。他的研究成果发表在Information Systems Research等期刊上。