
12月13日 | X. Sheldon Lin:Application of Population Sampling to Insurance Ratemaking and Reserving


时   间:2023年12月13日 10:00-11:00

地   点: 普陀校区理科大楼A1514

报告人:X. Sheldon Lin 多伦多大学教授

主持人:钱林义  华东师范大学教授

摘   要:

Population sampling, as an important branch in statistics, has been widely used in censuses and election predictions, and has found applications in other disciplines. However, its application has not been fully explored in actuarial science. In this presentation, I will present two applications in actuarial science: one on credibility premium calculation for a large and heterogenous insurance portfolio and the other on incorporating individual policy attributes into the chain-ladder method for IBNR reserving.


X. Sheldon Lin, ASA, ACIA, is a Professor of Actuarial Science at the University of Toronto and serves as an Editor for Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. His recent research is on data-driven nonlinear regression modelling for insurance rate-making and risk management of large insurance portfolios. The research aims to develop new and implementable methodology and technologies for insurance.