
12月1日 | 郁文:Neural frailty machines for survival analysis


时   间:2023年12月1日14:30-15:30

地   点:普陀校区理科大楼A1514

报告人:郁文 复旦大学教授

主持人:马慧娟 华东师范大学副教授

摘   要:

We propose a powerful and flexible neural modeling framework for survival regression. The framework basically assumes a separated structure of the baseline hazard rate and the nonlinear covariates effect. Meanwhile, a multiplicative frailty is introduced to capture the unobserved heterogeneity among individuals and the deep neural network architectures are adopted to approximate the baseline hazard rate and the nonlinear covariate structures, leading the proposed framework called neural frailty machines (NFM). The NFM can be viewed as an extension of neural proportional hazard models and includes many commonly used survival regression models as special cases. The likelihood function for right censored data is used to serve as the objective. The proposed algorithm allows efficient stochastic training, which can easily scale to large datasets. The estimation accuracy is measured by a metric defined through a Hellinger-type distance for hazard rate function. The non-asymptotic bounds for the estimation errors based on the Hellinger-type distance are derived. Then the consistency of the proposed neural estimators is established and the convergence rates are obtained. The rates are shown to reach the optimal speed of nonparametric regression estimation. Some simulation studies are carried out to verify the theoretical findings. The prediction performance of the proposed NFM models is evaluated over 6 benchmark datasets with different scales. The results show evidence on the improvement of the proposed method compared with the existing state-of-the-art survival models.

