
5月30日 | 郑纪伦:Conffdence Intervals Comparisons for the Slope in Linear Measurement Error Models


时   间:5月30日10:00-11:30

地   点:理科大楼A1514


主持人:史兴杰 华东师范大学副教授

摘   要:

This paper investigates the interval estimation for the slope parameter in linear measurement error model under the identiffability assumption that the ratio of error variances is known. A new conffdence interval is proposed. Comparisons of different conffdence intervals based on coverage probability and expected length are discussed. A compendium of existing results and new results are presented. Theoretical results are further compared and supported by simulation studies. Some real data examples are also analyzed (This is joint work with Jai-Ren Tsai and Hans Schneeweiss).


Chi-Lun Cheng (郑纪伦),台湾中央研究院统计科学研究所研究员,1987年博士毕业于The University of Texas at Dallas。研究兴趣包括:稳健统计、测量误差模型,曾担任学术期刊Statistica Sinica 副主编,在The Annals of Statistics、Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B、Journal of the American Statistical Association、Biometrika、Technometrics、Journal of Multivariate Analysis等期刊发表数十篇学术论文,并在Oxford University Press出版学术专著《Statistical Regression with Measurement Error》,被引770余次 (Google scholar數字)。