Michael Meadows华东师范大学国外荣誉教授受聘仪式及Geography and Future Earth专题报告
报告人:Michael Meadows 教授
主持人: 刘敏 教授
报告人:Michael Meadows 教授
主持人: 刘敏 教授

Michael Meadows 是南非开普敦大学地理系主任、教授,南非皇家科学院自然地理学领域唯一的院士。Michael Meadows 出生于英国利物浦,在英国萨塞克斯大学和剑桥大学分别获得本科和博士学位,1983年起在开普敦大学任教。其主要研究方向包括第四纪古环境的重建、人类世环境演变和人类活动影响等,近年来在地理学史及自然-人文地理综合方面也有一系列探索。2010年起,Michael Meadows 教授任国际地理联合会(IGU)秘书长兼财务主管。Michael还是Progress in Physical Geography, Quaternary Science Reviews,和Land Degradation and Development等国际地理学著名期刊的编委。Michael本人还极其爱好体育、热爱生活。
Human societies have emerged as a global force that is reshaping Earth. Anthroecology theory aims to explain this unprecedented transformation of Earth’s ecology as the product of sociocultural niche construction, an evolutionary process combining ecosystem engineering, cultural evolution and social change. What are the prospects for humanity and nature on a planet ever more rapidly and completely reshaped by human societies? The challenges are unprecedented and there is no going back. Yet it is possible that massive globalization of human societies and their support systems might also become the greatest planetary opportunities to create better outcomes for both humanity and non-human nature.