报告题目:The basics of thermal comfort – theory and outdoor investigations
报告人:Noémi Kántor博士(匈牙利赛格德大学)
时间:2016年4月13日 9:00
Kántor博士2012年毕业于匈牙利赛格德大学气候与景观生态系,获最优等荣誉,毕业后赴台湾国立成功大学任博士后研究员1年,之后返回赛格德大学任特聘研究员、博士生导师,主要研究方向包括城市局地热辐射环境的测量与分析,城市微气候对户外人体热舒适的测量、调研、与评估,以及城市植被对太阳辐射的透射作用。Kántor博士先后在台湾台南、高雄以及匈牙利赛格德等城市主持城市气候观测与热舒适问卷调查等研究工作,并以第一作者在Theoretical and Applied Climatology, International Journal of Biometeorology, Landscape and Urban Planning等优秀国际期刊上发表论文10余篇。

This talk is suggested to everybody who would like to immerse into the research field of thermal environment or interested in its teaching.
In the first part of this talk, Dr. Kántor will raise and answer questions like
·How could a complex topic like thermal comfort be approached?
·How can we quantify the impact of thermal environment on the human body?
In the second part of the talk, Dr. Kántor will
·let insight to the practice of outdoor thermal comfort investigations,
·discuss the most critical parts of field measurements and
·highlight the significance of study outcomes regarding human health and well-being, urban and landscape planning or recreation and tourism.