
2015-11-5- 国际地理联合会主席Vladimir A. Kolosov


     The vision of Europe and the Worldfrom Large powers: The case of BRIC


报告人Vladimir A. Kolosov  国际地理联合会主席

主持人: 刘敏 教授

讲座时间:11 月 5 日上午 9:30

讲座地点资环楼 271

报告 人简介

Academician Vladimir Kolosov is President of IGU (2012-2016), head of the Centerof Geopolitical Studies at the Institute of Geography under Russian Academy ofSciences and head of the Department of Geography of World Economy at the Facultyof Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University. His research interests lie inthe fields of political geography and geopolitics, social geography, world cities andlarge metropolitan areas. He is on the editorial boards of Political Geography,Geopolitics, BelGeo, Eurasian Geography and Economy, and other international andnational academic journals.



The author briefly considers the evolution of the main theoretical approacheswhich prepared the emergence in the late 1980s-the early 1990s of a newinterdisciplinary field-critical geopolitics. Some results of Russia’s geopoliticalsituation studies carried out in the last decade and using the concept of criticalgeopolitics are summarized. The author stops on the results of a large internationalresearch project supported by the 7 th European Framework Programme and based onthe concept of critical geopolitics. The project’s main objective was to analyze howthe vision of Europe and the world is shaped in 18 different countries, including BRIC(Brazil, Russia, India and China). The conclusions were made on the basis, on the onehand, of an extensive analysis of flows connecting the countries and their “real”importance in the world economy and politics, and on another hand, on the survey ofabout 10,000 students and discourse analysis.


