
2015-11-5-IGU 秘书长 Mike Meadows教授


Geomorphology in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from the past, pointers for the future?

报告人:Mike Meadows教授 IGU秘书长,南非开普顿大学


主持人: 刘敏 教授




Professor Mike Meadows has been Head of the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town since 2001. Educated in England, his undergraduate degree is from the University of Sussex and the PhD is from the University of Cambridge. Professor Meadows has authored or co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed research articles and edited several special editions of international journals. His research interests are in the area of physical geography, more specifically concerning Quaternary environmental change and the relative geomorphological and biogeographical impacts of natural and human-induced climate change. Professor Meadows is Secretary-General and Treasurer of the International Geographical Union (since 2010) and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, of the Royal Society of South Africa and of the Society of South African Geographers.


Anthropocene has been introduced to highlight the fact humans have, directly or indirectly - accidentally or intentionally - profoundly transformed of the earth system. The presentation briefly reviews various systemic and cumulative drivers of geomorphic change before going on to explore the time-transgressive impacts of humans on virtually all environments of the earth, followed by a consideration of three instructive case studies of how the deleterious effects of growing numbers of people using increasingly sophisticated technologies are expressed geomorphologically across a range of environments.
