
12/8-12/19-王磊- Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing methods


应地理科学学院邀请,Dr. LEI WANG(王磊教授)将2014128-1219日为地理科学学院研究生授课,欢迎全校师生积极参加。


Course Title: Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing methods

Course description:

Challenges for graduate students in Geography are their problem solving abilities by using geospatial data at various spatial scales and from various sources. the This course will introduce students to some of the cutting-edge remote sensing and GIS methods for spatial data processing and analysis that are normally not included in current textbooks. The overarching goal of the course is to enhance students’ spatial thinking and critical thinking ability for their research equipped with modern technologies. The course take 10 consecutive work days (2 weeks) in order to give students intensive training on the selected topics. It combines lecture (1 hour) and lab hours (2 hours) in each teaching day. This course will give students opportunities of hands-on experiences through series step-by-step in class instruction and lab exercises. This will allow students to comprehend their operation skills on GIS and remote sensing image processing software such as ArcGIS, ENVI and ERDAS to process, analyze and interpret spatial data.


Learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1)        Describe in great details the methods taught in the class

2)        Identify appropriate data sources for using the methods

3)        Apply the methods, interpret the results, and fine-tune the parameters

4)        Integrate multiple methods for their research projects



Intermediate level GIS and Remote Sensing Courses

Basics Statistics and Linear Algebra


Required readings:

There is no text book for this course. Readings will be provided by the instructor and assigned along with the class schedule.



1)        Final exam (30%)

2)        Lab assignments (50%)

3)        Individual class projects starting from the end of the class and due in a month. (20%)



Day 1128日)

Morning class: lecture on Kriging

 Afternoon class: Exercise on Kriging

Reading assignment: Kriging interpolation


Day 2129日)

Morning class: lecture on co-kriging

Afternoon class: Exercise on co-kriging using ArcGIS

Reading assignment: Cokriging


Day 31210日)

Morning class: lecture on Space-time Kriged Kalman Filtering

Afternoon class: Exercise on Space-time Kriged Kalman Filtering software

Reading assignment: Kriged Kriging methods


Day 41211日)

Morning class: Regression and spatial regression

Afternoon class: Exercise on Regressions

Reading assignment: Regression


Day 51212日)

Morning class: Geographically Weighted Regression

Afternoon class: GWR exercises

Reading assignment: GWR analysis


Day 61215日)

Morning class: lecture on Image matching

Afternoon class: Exercise on Image matching in ArcGIS

Reading assignment: Image matching technique


Day 71216日)

Morning class: Lecture on machine learning

Afternoon class: Exercise on Classification and Regression Tree

Reading assignment: Machine learning methods


Day 81217日)

Morning class: Lecture on Random Forest method

Afternoon class: Exercise on Random Forest method

Reading assignment: Random Forest


Day 91218日)

Morning class: lecture on Subpixel spectral mixture analysis

Afternoon class: Exercise on Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis

Reading assignment: Remote sensing image spectral mixture

Day 101219日)

        Summarize the class and project assignment; Final exam