
2014/6/4/Henk Folmer--空气污染对幸福感的影响程度:中国金川矿区案例分析




To what extent does air pollution affect happiness? The Jinchuan mining area, China


报告人:Henk Folmer 教授(国际著名空间计量分析与环境经济学家)

主持人:季民河 教授

时间:2014 日(星期三)13:30

地点:闵行校区资环楼148 报告厅



荷兰格罗宁根大学空间科学院教授,中国西北农林大学经济计量学与环境资源经济学教授(中国教育部海外著名学者),美国西弗吉尼亚大学区域研究所客座教授。曾任荷兰瓦赫宁恩大学,提耳堡大学环境经济学教授。主要研究方向包括:宏微观经济学理论、环境经济学,经济计量与空间经济计量学,结构方程建模等。在相关领域国际期刊发表论文140 篇(英文74 篇,荷兰文56 篇),专著与编著21 本,书籍章节22 章。多本著名国际专业期刊主编(国际环境与资源经济学评论,空间与资源科学快报,环境与资源经济学,环境经济学新进展,区域学简介)或编委(区域学年报、国际农业资源管治与生态期刊、地理系统期刊),以及14 本国际一流期刊的外部评审。欧洲环境与资源经济学协会创始人及第一届协会主席。多年来培养经济学博士35 名,在联合国、欧美、及其他一些国家的政府机构及大学研究机构担任要职。2013 年特聘为中国西北农林大学经济学院学术副院长及高等空间分析中国研究所所长。





This paper presents a structural equation model of happiness, as influenced by inter alia perceived risk due to (i) intensity of exposure to polluted air, and (ii) hazard of pollutants. In addition, objective risk measured as proximity to the pollution source, is considered. The main finding is that both types of perceived risk negatively and significantly influence people's happiness, although in absolute terms, the total perceived risk effect is less than the (positive) effect of ability, measured by income and education. Other important determinants of happiness are family size, age, proximity to the pollution source, work environment and current health condition. Perceived risk due to intensity of exposure is influenced by environmental knowledge and proximity to the pollution source; perceived risk of hazard by ability, environmental knowledge, family size, family health experience and proximity to the pollution source. Environmental knowledge is found to be a function of age, ability and work environment. On the basis of the findings, we conclude that reducing air pollution is an important policy measure to ameliorate happiness. As environmental knowledge is an important determinant of perceived risk, reduction policies should be accompanied by disclosure of the state of air quality.