
【校级报告】High-power, low-noise mid-IR frequency combs


报告题目:High-power, low-noise mid-IR frequency combs

报告人:Oliver H. Heckl 副教授

单位:University of Vienna





In this seminar, I will discuss our research on a low-noise, high-power mid-infrared (mid-IR) frequency combs designed for precision spectroscopy. The presentation will begin by addressing our efforts in developing low-noise seed lasers. Subsequently, I will delve into spectrally tuneable stable amplification techniques and conclude by highlighting the successful conversion into the mid-IR range. The culmination of our work will be showcased through the presentation of a 10 W mid-IR optical frequency comb.


Oliver Heckl is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna. In 2007, he earned his diploma in physics from the University of Augsburg, Germany. His introduction to photonics occurred during a one-year student research project with Prof. Bachor at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra. In 2011, Heckl chose to further his academic pursuits by joining Prof. Keller's group at ETH Zürich in Switzerland, completing his PhD in laser. His thesis focused on peak power scaling with modelocked thin-disk lasers. In 2014, Oliver Heckl was awarded a Feodor Lynen research scholarship, leading him to join Prof. Jun Ye's group at JILA, CU Boulder, Colorado. During this period, his research interests expanded to include optical frequency combs, nonlinear optics, and molecular spectroscopy with frequency combs.

Since 2017, Oliver Heckl has been at the forefront, heading the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mid-IR Spectroscopy and Semiconductor Optics at the University of Vienna. His current focus involves advancing frequency comb technology into the mid-IR spectral region, aiming for applications in trace-gas detection, precision spectroscopy, and molecular fingerprinting.