
【校级报告】The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements


题 目:The Quantum Way of Doing Computations, Simulations and Measurements

报告人:Rainer Blatt  院士

单位:Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck,

主持人:马龙生 教授

时 间:20241022(周二)下午14:00

地 点:闵行校区光学大楼三楼报告厅


In this presentation, we review the fundamental functional principles of quantuminformation processing and provide an update on the status of the Innsbrucktrapped-ion quantum computer. Using strings of trapped ions, we implement a quantum information processor to carry out quantum operations. We present an overview of the available quantum toolbox and discuss the scalability of this approach. The quantum computing methodology is exemplified through analog and digitalquantum simulations. By utilizing the quantum toolbox for entanglement enhanced Ramsey interferometry, we determine optimal parameters for quantum metrology. To protect against the impact of noise, quantum computers encode logical quantum information redundantly across multiple qubits using error-correcting codes. We highlight the implementation of a fault-tolerant universal set of gates on two logical qubits within the trapped-ion quantum computer. With Alpine Quantum Technologies, a commercially available NISQ-type quantum processor has been developed and is already accessible for industrial applications.


Rainer Blatt Mainz大学获得博士学位,而后在美国科罗大多大学JILA实验室的John L. Hall2005年诺贝尔物理奖获得者)课题组开展激光冷却研究工作,之后在德国汉堡大学P. Toschek课题组担任助理研究员,开展单离子囚禁研究。1994年,他在Göttingen大学获得教授职位。1995Innsbruck大学物理系教授,利用囚禁离子开展量子计算、量子模拟和量子计量。2003年开始,他是奥地利科学院量子光学与量子信息研究院(IQOQI)的领导人,也是Alpine Quantum Technologies公司(AQT)的创始人之一,该公司发展商业量子计算机。2021-2023年间,他是慕尼黑量子谷(Munich Quantum Valley)的经理和统筹人。鉴于他在量子信息方面的成就,他获得了2006年的Schrödinger奖(奥地利科学院)、2012Stern-Gerlach奖(德国科学院)、2015John-Stewart-Bell奖以及2018年的墨子奖。R. Blatt是奥地利科学院院士、西班牙科学院院士、欧洲科学与艺术学院院士、美国国家科学院院士和德国国家科学院院士。