Topological pump with ultracold atoms in optical lattices: from quantum simulation to quantum computing
报告人:朱子杰 博士
主持人:邓书金 研究员
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices—achieved by cooling atoms to a quantum regime and loading them into an optical lattice formed by a stationary laser light wave—provide an ideal platform for studying a wide range of quantum phenomena, including strongly correlated many-body systems, topological phases, and quantum simulations of complex materials. Additionally, the ability to precisely control atomic interactions, lattice geometry, and external fields makes it an excellent candidate for exploring quantum information processing and simulating condensed matter systems.
My work centers on the concept of the topological pump, which represents the quantized motion of particles in response to a cyclic modulation of lattice parameters. Similar to the quantum Hall effect, the topological pump is of fundamental interest because it links physically measurable quantities, such as particle currents, to geometric properties that are robust against perturbations, making them technologically useful. We demonstrate a scheme that enables topological pumping over a hundred lattice sites, facilitating the exploration of topological quantum matter and interaction-driven topological transitions. This advancement in shuttling fermonic quantum states also paves the way for universal quantum computation and fermionic quantum processing in optical lattices.
朱子杰,本科毕业于北京大学物理学院,后在瑞士联邦理工(ETH)获得物理学硕士学位并继续攻读博士,导师为Prof. Tilman Esslinger,主要研究方向为量子光学,量子模拟和量子计算。以第一作者在Science, Nature Physics上发表论文,并在Physical Review Letters,Physical Review Research,Physical Review X等期刊上发表合作文章。