
【校级报告】Quantum droplet in ultracold boson mixtures


报告题目:Quantum droplet in ultracold boson mixtures

报告人:崔晓玲 研究员


主持人:史哲雨 研究员




Quantum droplet describes a self-bound object that is stabilized by quantum effect. It has a long research history ever since the Kerson Huang's theoretical model in late 1950s and the intensive study of Helium nanodroplet in 1980s. In recent years, quantum droplet has regained great interest in ultracold gases thanks to its realization in both dipolar gases (since 2016) and in binary boson mixtures (2018). In this talk, I will discuss the unique properties of quantum droplet as compared to a repulsive Bose gas and a classical droplet. The former is reflected in its self-bound nature, which can be used to engineer curved geometry and stable vortex lattice in quantum Hall limit. The latter can be manifested in the quantum-fluctuation-driven slash dynamics and the quantum liquid-gas transition at zero T.  All these phenomena could be directly probed in realistic ultracold boson mixtures.


Xiaoling Cui is a professor at the Institute of Physics(IoP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. She got B.S. degree from Shandong University in 2005 and PhD from IoP in 2010. She then worked as an associated member in the Institute for Advanced Study in Tsinghua University and a research associate in Ohio State University, and after that she joined IoP in 2013. Her research interest is to explore and bridge the few- and many-body physics in ultracold atoms and related fields, with over 70 publications and h-index 27.