
4月26日 | 汪元正:Sharp asymptotics for the disconnection time of large cylinders by simple and biased random walks


时   间2024年4月26日 14:00 - 15:00

地   点:普陀校区理科大楼A1214


报告人:汪元正  北京大学本科生

主持人:俞锦炯  华东师范大学助理教授

摘   要:

We consider the asymptotic disconnection time of a discrete cylinder , by simple and biased (in the  direction) random walks as N tends to infinity. For simple random walk, we derive a sharp asymptotic lower bound that matches the upper bound from [A.-S. Sznitman, Ann. Probab., 2009] which allows us to identify the weak limit of the rescaled disconnection time. For the biased walk, we obtain bounds that asymptotically match in the principal order when the bias is not too strong, which greatly improves results from [D. Windisch, Ann. Appl. Probab., 2008]. Based on joint works in progress with Xinyi Li (PKU) and Yu Liu (PKU).


Yuanzheng Wang is a senior undergraduate student from the school of mathematical science in Peking University. He is interested in probability theory and statistical physics.