Han Pu:Novel spin-orbit coupling in cold atoms2018-06-25
Prof. Mark A.:Symplectic symmetry in ab initio nuclear structure2018-05-25
Yehiam Prior:Optimizing the Nonlinear Optical Response of Plasmonic Metasurfaces2018-05-11
Vladislav V. Yakovlev:Per aspera ad astra: getting light through opaque medium2018-05-07
Mark Saffman:Quantum computing with simple and complex atoms2018-04-25
朱诗尧:Interference of one-dimensional superradiance bichromatic lattices in a Bose-Einstein condensate2018-04-18
Pierre DELPLACE:From Topological phases of matter to topological waves2018-04-12
Chii-Dong Lin:Selective highlights of three topics in femto-attosecond physics of recent interest2018-04-12
Ralf I.Kaiser:Exploiting Tunable Vacuum Ultraviolet Light to Unravel the Synthesis of Bio-relevant Molecules in Deep Space2018-04-12
Dario Nicolosi:Properties and use of Non Evaporable Getter (NEG) pumps and their application in HV and UHV sientific and industrial systems2018-03-29
G.S. Agarwal:Interference of Waves to Interference of Quantum Paths2018-03-16
王学斌:Recent Progresses and Future Perspectives of Size-elected Cryogenic Photoelectron and Photoelectron Imaging Spectroscopy2018-03-13
李伟斌:Supersolidity of lattice Bosons immersed in strongly correlated Rydberg dressed atom2018-01-22