2017-6-8 刘彦随 地理学综合研究与工程试验2017-06-07
2017-6-6王瑞胜 Semantic Segmentation of Street View Images Using Graph Matching and Point Clouds2017-06-01
2017-5-24 地理科学学院博士生学术沙龙2017-05-27
2017-5-12王建 中国冰冻圈遥感研究成果回顾2017-05-09
2017-5-12 特定目标的遥感指数设计新探索2017-05-09
2017-4-28 无人机的兴起、城市的激光雷达技术和环境监测2017-05-09
2017-4-28郭庆华From Remote Sensing to Personal Sensing: the Rise of UAV and Lidar technology in Urban and Environmental Monitoring2017-04-25
2017-4-20 Monitoring Annual Ecosystem Disturbance Caused by Urbanization with Landsat on the Google Earth Engine (GEE)2017-04-19
2017-3-24学术报告两则:基于航空高光谱遥感的矿区污染反演和Unequal exchange of pollution embodied in global trade2017-03-23
2017-2-24 校级学术报告两则2017-02-22
2017-2-17水文水资源科学杂志Water Resources Research副主编Benjamin Renard研究员与法国国立环境研究所资深研究员Michel Lang博士来我校访问2017-02-15
2017-1-9 Forecasting and managing climate risk2017-01-07