5月10月 | 李斌:Real-time Machine Learning for the Cross-Section of Stock Returns2023-05-09
5月5日 | 郭旭:Score function-based tests for ultrahigh-dimensional linear models2023-05-04
5月5日 | Jesse Frey:Melded Confidence Intervals Do Not Provide Guaranteed Coverage2023-05-04
4月19日 | 任好洁:Optimal Subsampling via Predictive Inference2023-04-18
4月21日 | 朱文圣:Augmented Concordance Matched Learning for Estimating Optimal Individualized Treatment Regimes2023-04-17
4月19日 | 冯龙:Change Point Detection in Beta Process with High Frequency Data2023-04-17
4月10日 | 李赛:Transfer learning in high-dimensional models2023-04-08
4月7日 | 姚经 Convex Bounds Approximation Method for Risk Aggregations and Applications in Finance and Insurance2023-03-31
4月7日 | 吴瑞佳 Topic Modeling: Optimal Estimation and Statistical Inference2023-03-31
4月4日 | 苗旺 Paradoxes and resolutions for semiparametric fusion of individual and summary data2023-03-31
3月28日 | 余涛 Maximum profile binomial likelihood estimation for the semiparametric Box-Cox power transformation model2023-03-26
3月23日 | 刘奕鑫:Self-supervised learning on graph neural networks2023-03-07
3月16日 | 赵秉鑫:Some statistical analyses on polygenic risk scores: applications of random matrix theory in human genetics2023-03-07
3月8日 | 刘庆丰:Tying Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dependent Data2023-03-07